Thursday, December 4, 2008


SQL has an incredibly useful function, REPLACE(), which replaces all occurrences of a specified string with another string, returning a new string. It works great with all forms of NCHAR and NVARCHAR fields. It does not, however, work with NTEXT and TEXT  fields.

Fear not — there’s an easy workaround, thanks to type-casting and SQL 2005’s NVARCHAR(max) datatype. Here’s the process in an nutshell.

  1. Cast the TEXT field to the NVARCHAR(max) datatype using the CAST function.
  2. Perform your REPLACE on the output of #1.
  3. Cast the output of #2 back to TEXT. (Not really required, but it does get us back to where we started.

A simple SQL query illustrates this.

  1. select cast(replace(cast(mytext as nvarchar(max)),'find','replace'as text)  
  2. from mytexttable  

If you’re using SQL 2000, you’re out of luck, as NVARCHAR(max) first appeared in SQL 2005. However, if your TEXT field is less than 8000 characters, you can cast it to VARCHAR(8000) — the largest possible VARCHAR size — to accomplish the same.

[Note #1: This solution below will also work with TEXT fields. Simply replace TEXT with NTEXT , and NVARCHAR withVARCHAR.]

[Note #2: NTEXT fields are depreciated in SQL 2005 in favor of NVARCHAR(max), so avoid using TEXT and you'll avoid this problem altogether in the future.]

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to change "about:config" in firebox,netscape,google chrome Using Javascript

If you want to change about:config through javascript here is examble,

var browserName=navigator.appName; 
var browserVer=parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var popsMode;
if (browserName=="Netscape" && browserVer>=5) {
    var prefs = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
      if (prefs.getPrefType("dom.disable_window_open_feature.resizable") == prefs.PREF_BOOL){
        popsMode = prefs.getBoolPref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.resizable");
   if (popsMode==true) {

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birth Date Calculation in Excel

Open Excel Sheet

Age Differnce from Current Date

Enter your date of birth in A1 Field format(mm-dd-yyyy)

Copy and paste the below formula in A2 Field

=DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"md")&" days"

Age Differnce from paricular date

Enter your date of birth in A1 Field format(mm-dd-yyyy)

Enter the particular Date in A2 Field

Copy and paste the below formula in A2 Field

=DATEDIF(A1,A2,"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A1,A2,"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(A1,A2,"md")&" days"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008


The first step is to produce a .NET assembly containing classes that hold the methods you wish to call from your SQL Server procedures. This assembly is then registered within SQL Server, and specific procedures are created to link with the specific methods within the assembly. It is important to note that the signatures of both the methods you want to call, and the stored procedures you use to link, must be the same.

Users of the database can then query these new procedures as they would any other form; however, SQL Server executes the .NET method and outputs its results.

This process is outlined on the diagram below, in which the method "HelloWorld" takes a string as a parameter and prefixes it with "Hello" to produce its string output.

So, the workplan for writing such procedures is as follows:
  1. Create a method you wish to host within SQL Server 2005.
  2. Compile this class to create an assembly.
  3. Register this assembly within SQL Server 2005.
  4. Create a new function referencing the method you wish to call.
Step 1: Create a Method you Wish to Host Within SQL Server 2005

Open up Visual C# Express 2005, and select New -> Project from the menu. You should be presented with the following dialog:

A Class Library allows us to create an assembly rather than an executable application. Make sure this is selected, and type in a name for the project. Here, I've called it "SQLServerHostTest," but I'm sure you can think of a snappier title!

You'll now have a fresh, clean class within a new assembly, to which you can add the following methods to be hosted:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

namespace SQLServerHostTest


public class HostFunctions


public static string HelloWorld(string Name)


//prefix the Name variable with Hello
return "Hello" + Name;




It should be noted that any method you wish to host within SQL Server 2005 has to be marked both public and static (or public shared in VB.NET), as only one instance of the method will be used.

Step 2: Compile to Create an Assembly

We can now compile the class library to create an assembly. Click F6 or click the Build -> Build Solution menu to achieve this. As assemblies are registered within SQL Server 2005 through file locations, you will need to know the exact location of the outputted assembly. To set the output path manually, click the menu "Project -> SQLServerHostTest Properties..," select the Build tab, and enter a path in the "Output Path" text box.

Step 3: Register this Assembly Within SQL Server 2005

While you can manually code the execution of SQL statements in C#, you can also use the QA Replacement Application to connect to your SQL Server and execute statements very easily, get more information on any errors you might receive, and view output results.

The actual command that registers an assembly with SQL Server 2005 is:


The [ASSEMBLYNAME] can be any name you wish, but it's good practice to prefix these definitions with "asm" in the same way that primary key objects should be prefixed with "pk".

The [ASSEMBLYLOCATION] is the full file path of the assembly you wish to reference.
Hence, we need to execute the following SQL statement:

CREATE ASSEMBLY asmHelloWorld FROM 'c:\SqlServerHostTest.dll'

Using QA, enter the details of your database (Note: Your SQL Server is accessed through the YOURCOMPUTERNAME\SQLSERVERINSTANCE notation, rather than just "localhost").

You can now enter the SQL statement and click the Execute Text button to execute the statement on SQL Server 2005.

Note: You might receive an error that reads as follows:

"CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because method 'get_Value' on type 'SQLServerHostTest.Properties.Settings' in safe assembly 'SQLServerHostTest' is storing to a static field. Storing to a static field is not allowed in safe assemblies."

Often, C# Express will add to your library classes that are not compatible with SQL Server hosting. If you receive this error, manually compile your class into an assembly using the following command line:

csc /out:c:\SqlServerHostTest.dll /t:library Class1.cs

Step 4: Create a new Function that References the Method you Wish to Call

Now that the assembly is registered with SQL Server, we can create a new function to wrap our call to the "HelloWorld" method in the assembly.

The command that achieves this is the standard CREATE FUNCTION command, which will already be familiar to users of SQL Server. However, we now need to add a reference to our assembly at the end of the declaration:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.clrHelloWorld ( @name as nvarchar(200) )

RETURNS nvarchar(200)

AS EXTERNAL NAME [asmHelloWorld].[SQLServerHostTest.HostFunctions].[HelloWorld]

In Beta 2 of SQL Server 2005, the syntax used to reference an assembly was changed so that instead of using colons, it utilised the more traditional dot notation. The AS EXTERNAL NAME initially takes the name of the assembly we registered (in this case asmHelloWorld), followed by the full class name including Namespaces (in our case, SQLServerHostTest.HostFunctions), and ends it with the method we wish to call: "HelloWorld."

Also, notice how the signature of the function corresponds with the signature of the "HelloWorld" method. The NVARCHAR type is used to relate to our string types.

Test The Procedure

Now that our new function has been created, we can test our progress. As our function returns a string type, we can use a simple Select statement to retrieve our result.

SELECT dbo.clrHelloWorld('welcome')

This returns the expected result:
Hello wecome

If error occuring during the function running

Execution of user code in the .NET Framework is disabled. Enable "clr enabled" configuration option.

In SqlServer

You need to run RECONFIGURE.


'clr enabled', 1



Excute query afterwards SELECT dbo.clrHelloWorld('welcome') this query working fine

Friday, May 23, 2008

How to hide blogger Navigation bar

Jusr paste below this in your template

#navbar-iframe {height:0px;visibility:hidden;display:none}